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Mexican student. 19 Yo

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2 Comments— 5 Kudos

good old memories

Category: Life

I remember being a kid. talkin about 2010. I remember get back from school and play some Club Penguin with my classmates haha. Also used to watch Adventure Time late at night but my mother never let me watch that show. She said it wasn't for kids, but it was the show of the moment. it had just came out. One thing, in particular, i cherish a memory of, is playing PlayStation 3 on weekends. I'm not ... » Continue Reading

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meaning of "Whatthehellishappening?" - Glass Animals from my point of view

Category: Music

I'll tell you something.  "whatthehellishapenning" struck me as an amazing song. It presents a situation where the protagonist is kidnapped, which inexplicably brings him a feeling of happiness.  Perhaps the happiness comes from  liking extreme situations. However, the  album explains that the protagonist fears for his life and thinks of his loved ones, as it may be his last day. the feeling of lo... » Continue Reading

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virtud y justicia en la civil war (análisis desde la perspectiva de Aristóteles)

Category: Religion and Philosophy

en este blog se analizara desde la perspectiva de Aristóteles el evento ficticio del Universo Cinematográfico Marvel "Civil War"  y en que bando pertenecería Aristóteles. Aristóteles creería que la Civil War es la falta de equilibrio pues las acciones voluntarias que vendrían siendo el querer salvar esas vidas y las acciones involuntarias como los daños colaterales los lleva a una guerra. Para lle... » Continue Reading

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objeto de estudio de la psicologia

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

conozco gente que aun cree de manera errónea que la psicología es únicamente la conducta, cuando en realidad existen mas objetos gracias a las escuelas clásicas de esta materia, pero solo mencionare muy brevemente algunas. "funcionalismo, estructuralismo, Gestalt y conductismo". El funcionalismo y el estructuralismo tenían como objeto de estudio la mente, mientras que la Gestalt y el conductismo e... » Continue Reading

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