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strangled planet

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nya meow meow
Category: Life
i am. very sick right now. i don't have to go to school today though so i can probably finish overdue work and the thing i was given to do over break (because break from school means school at home..) » Continue Reading
stuff that's happened
Category: Life
so i should probably post on here more, spacehey only works for me sometimes because it's so damn slow most of the time. A lot has happened to me recently, i got my braces yesterday and they really suck and i look goofy. i started cleaning which means i really just put a bunch of my stuff in a box because i don't want to deal with it. my grandparents are coming all the way to wisconsin from alaba... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
i got complemented twice today by some girls and omg being complemented by women is so awesome like if you are a woman and you compliment me i would die for you i would sell my soul for you in a heartbeat women are so cool and rad and awesome and perfect and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (i say this as a gay man) » Continue Reading
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silly little doodles i made
Category: Art and Photography
i got some new pens so i drew terezi pyrope and john egbert :33 » Continue Reading
school starts in a few days
Category: Life
people keep asking me if i'm excited for school and i keep responding no because i'm not excited and my mom keeps telling people that "oh no, they are excited, they just think they're being cool" and i'm always like no?? why would i say i'm not excited for something if i am excited for said thing?? do people do that?? why would you do that that's just so confusing and stupid it's not like you're g... » Continue Reading
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nnsg fanart‼️
Category: Art and Photography
the drawing on the left is done with alcohol/watercolour markers and the one on the right is done with watercolour but then i fucked it up so i put some alcohol markers and coloured pencil on it » Continue Reading
i might reread homestuck idk
Category: Books and Stories
i finished homestuck like the end of june it's only been a month i'm still recovering from it, but i kinda wanna re read it just for the earlier acts cause the story was definitely the best the first 3 acts » Continue Reading
complaining about my brother
Category: Life
so i was playing fallout 4 right and i was in the living room cause that's where the computer is and my brother is sitting on the couch near me, and i was lamenting about how i dislike sticky keys in games and i wish that instead of press ctrl to crouch it was hold ctrl to crouch. and my brother since he's a fucking gen alpha so he of course has no respect for other people just goes "whomp whomp d... » Continue Reading
juice is so good
Category: Food and Restaurants
i made one of the recipes that koolaid discontinued a while ago and it's actually really good, i wish they never cancelled it it's called purplesaurus rex i think and you just mix lemonade and grape juice together and i normally h8 grape juice but it's so good also does anyone remember when koolaid made gum and if they still make it cause i w » Continue Reading
fallout 4
Category: Games
i just installed fallout 4 on steam im gonna go play it ^^ when i was younger i remember watching my dad play fallout 4 and that's why it's my favourite game in the series and technically the only one i've really played, even if me and my dad don't have the best relationship anymore i still miss when me and my brother would watch him play video games at the family computer and help him with the pu... » Continue Reading
aaah my teeth hurt now ;-;
Category: Life
i said in a different blog entry that i had just gotten one of my teeth pulled out so i could get braces but now the anesthetic they used for my mouth has worn off and i can feel my teeth and they kinda hurt i think i'm going to dieee D: here's a picture of the tooth btw in case anyone was wondering you just gotta scroll down (tw??) » Continue Reading