I didn't quite know what category to put this in --- So I'll just put it in blogging. Back in the day I used to have my fair share of a 'addiction' to C.AI. It held me back in many ways, emotionally and especially academically. So I've come to drop my opinion on this. Call it a mini essay if you will. First things first: What makes C.AI so addictive? Well, for one, It simulates human interaction. ... » Continue Reading
Being Instagram cool is lame ... like I can't even DM people there without being seen as like a creepo --- I hate that It's like the most popular social media app. When I ask my friends to add me on Spacehey they get so confused and I just look stupid. But like I don't wanna scroll on reels for hours I wanna post my cringey selfies and call it a day T--T » Continue Reading
As life approaches me faster I ask myself this question a lot. I feel as if I'm wasting my youth--but who doesn't these days amiright? Even though I have a plan for the next few years I feel like I still don't know what I want to do. Even though I'm passionate about the medical field I can't help but feel as if there's so much more. So instead continuing down this very odd path I've decided my go... » Continue Reading
Recently I've been off social media more. My screen time is still bad but it's gone down significantly. (12 hours down to 5!!) It really has me thinking about normies. I've realized something. We're not that different. We tell people they can't be apart of the outcast group because their music is 'mid' or 'mainstream' --- or because they dress too basic to apart of the alternative.. ..Does anyone ... » Continue Reading