I already have a car of my own so it isn't like a need a new (preowned) car but I really like cars so.......I want another one. Even though I'm broke it's not going to stop me. The type of car I want is a manual transition and the brand either Volvo because of how indestructible they or a BMW because how cool they look. As much as I want the 1990 BMW M3, I'm probably not going to get it just becau... » Continue Reading
Being a lowly creature squirming its way through high school, I'm quite proud that I'm taking a DC/ college class. I'm probably going to quit it next semester though since it's been quite hard and my grades never been passing.... But I want to tell you, traveler, about the research paper I wrote as the final grade!!!! Since it was a research paper, I could choose any topic that is school appropria... » Continue Reading
They are my favorite type of insect (and animal)...EVER!!!!! As a self-proclaimed entomologist who studies various insects in their free time, I found that my attraction to roaches grows fonder day by day. Many people think of these pesky little critters as such, pests, but I have a deep love for them. They're like an extension of my soul and embodies perfectly me. Facts about the love of my life... » Continue Reading