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This sums up 2020 nicely
Category: Blogging
Someone set up the letters for "JOY" on their lawn but gravity intervened, and we are left with a perfect visual metaphor for 2020 ... It's from this tweet ... » Continue Reading
Canadian-American journalist / author / musician / 0.1x coder
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— 1 Comment— 12 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Someone set up the letters for "JOY" on their lawn but gravity intervened, and we are left with a perfect visual metaphor for 2020 ... It's from this tweet ... » Continue Reading
— 6 Comments— 11 Kudos
Category: Blogging
One of the weird joys of the early-00s web were the various randomizers -- click on a button and you'd be taken to a random person's page. They had the same thing, too, in that precambrian life-form, the "web-ring": Click here to visit a random page in the Hello Kitty web ring! Now » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 9 Kudos
Category: Blogging
If you have an iphone running iOS 14, there's an app called "Scriptable" that lets you write a little bit of custom java script to accomplish a task. (I'm intentionally misspelling the name of that programming language because spacehey bans it, heh.) Torben wrote a script that creates a widget on your iphone to display the lastest blog posts on Spacehey; he » Continue Reading
— 11 Comments— 14 Kudos
Category: Blogging
When I saw alicode's joke about "All Star" (riffing off Spacehey's name) it reminded me of the guy who, three years back, created a phone line that did nothing but play Smashmouth's "All Star" when you called it. The number: 830-476-5664! What happens when you m » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I haven't dug in yet much to customize my spacehey page, but lots of other folks have -- and, they've written handy guides on various aspects of doing it! Here are a couple I've seen, that I'll be using myself ... I'm gonna sit down this weekend and weird-ify my design. » Continue Reading
— 8 Comments— 10 Kudos
Category: Blogging
I was obsessed with Pac-Man a kid -- I'm old enough to have played it back when it was originally in arcades, and I even bought the book Mastering Pac-Man for the patterns. (I eventually got good enough at those patterns I rolled the machine over twice, which took I think about four hours? Enough that I was kind of a mess afterwards physically.) Anyway, today I stumbled upon » Continue Reading
— 11 Comments— 14 Kudos
Category: Blogging
So, when I was creating my spacehey account, every time I tried to save my "interests", the system kept on deleting them and telling me it contained a curse word. I could not for the life of me see any curse word I'd used. (Actually back during the early days of blogging I decided to avoid all swear words online, because my theory was I wanted to write posts for audiences that could stretch litera... » Continue Reading