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— 2 Kudos
Category: Games
Help for the Puzzle From My Neopets Anniversary Video Since I wasn't sure how straightforward my clues were, I wanted to provide some extra hints to help if needed. Each one is written below in white-on-white text, which should show up when highlighted. I originally had a few more, but I wanted to give people a chance before spelling things out with more specificity. I'll wait until next week to u » Continue Reading
Hearing my own voice
Category: Life
One of the strangest things I've experienced since finding the correct treatment has been hearing my own voice. Not the sound produced by my vocal cords, but the expression of my identity. When I look back through posts and replies I've written over the past couple of months, I can actually hear myself. I can see myself. Not what I think is polite. » Continue Reading
My dad punching Ronald Reagan
Category: Blogging
A box fell down while I was in the garage and this photo was revealed to me. It's always special and exciting to find pictures of my father since I don't have many. And I really appreciate this one despite the fact that it's out of focus xD » Continue Reading
Neopian Times Anxiety owo
Category: Life
I've been doing better than ever in terms of managing my social anxiety and RSD. I've sort of accepted that it's something I'll always have to contend with and made the conscious decision to be brave and accept the risk of judgement and rejection in everything I do. I used to think I hated people, but I realise now that I was just afraid of them. I've always longed to be part of a community, and b... » Continue Reading