Feeling that grand old desire to write. How fun. Hills, hills and trees everywhere. Sun went down a couple hours ago. The mountains are beautiful this time of year. The drive, even when traffic is horrible with the tourists, isn't all bad. The view is nice, too. Work is...work. Customers are chill, coworkers are all awesome, and the pay is good, so who cares? Benefits aren't all bad either. Too ma... » Continue Reading
Another day, another fit of...something. Some raging, nagging sensation to write out a piece. The urge to stay awake, the urge to not yet go under that veil. A demanding, yet subtle sensation. The burdens of a creative mind. Sucks, doesn't it? For me, yeah. For those that actually care about my ramblings (who may or may not exist), sure. (Again. Screaming into the void.) That feeling, though. I c... » Continue Reading
Figured it was high time I do one of these. Doubt most of you will even read this. Not entirely sure why I felt the need to do this, then again I don't have reason behind half the shit I do. For those of you who choose to listen to this little scream-into-the-void-esque rant, hey. You guys are pretty cool. Anyways, to the juicy bits. The notion of sympathy sickens me, yet I yearn for it. The idea ... » Continue Reading