Feeling that grand old desire to write. How fun.
Hills, hills and trees everywhere. Sun went down a couple hours ago. The mountains are beautiful this time of year. The drive, even when traffic is horrible with the tourists, isn't all bad. The view is nice, too. Work is...work. Customers are chill, coworkers are all awesome, and the pay is good, so who cares? Benefits aren't all bad either. Too many wacky adventures happening this time of year. Already through February, though. Year's going by fast. Robotics will start up soon, last time doing that. Hopefully all goes well. Y'know, in hindsight, this is probably the most normal post I've made so far, which makes me want to say; JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING CRAZY I SAY IS JUST A FORM OF EXPRESSION/WRITING CONCEPT. I DO NOT ACTUALLY HALLUCINATE WOMEN UNDER MY FLOORBOARDS OR DEBATE THE CONCEPT OF A HIGHER POWER JUST BECAUSE IM NOT DEAD YET !! Anyways, felt the need to say that incase any cool people/future federal employers found all this fun stuff. I'm actually just a chill guy who sits around and writes down concepts I dub cool. Anyways, might do something else now. Ciao.
Also, text me. IM BORED.
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