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"invisible depresión"


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Dark Night (noche oscura)

Category: Blogging

The light bulb of the neighborhood poster burned out and they say that at that time is when the spirits come out to disturb hehe, but seriously the factory that is back there says that there at night voices are heard and they have seen like black shadows later a lady says that she saw a gallows in her » Continue Reading

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His name is goat (El Se Llama Chivo)

Category: Blogging

Lo curioso de él es que cuando estaba solo, sus ojos cambiaban de color y se movían. Lo dejaría en el suelo y volvería al lugar donde lo había dejado en primer lugar. Decía que se estaba mudando y que cambiaba de lugar y cosas así. Una noche se quedó en la habitación y lo vieron moverse y sus ojos cambiar de color. Cuando estaba solo, dijo que estaban sucediendo cosas extrañas en la casa, como que... » Continue Reading

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strange thing that happened to me(cosa rara que me paso)

Category: Blogging

It was a Wednesday night and I was sitting in the living room listening to music and so when suddenly I heard a noise outside the house and I looked out the window to see what it was and when I looked out I only saw a shadow in the shape of a clown that was there outside suddenly that shadow disappeared a laugh was heard and from there some balloons came out and went to the other side of the stree... » Continue Reading

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What is life (Que es la vida)

Category: Blogging

La vida se toma prestada porque no sabemos hasta qué día estaremos aquí, la verdad es, pero hay personas que dicen que la vida solo tiene un sentido, otros dicen que después de la muerte no hay nada, otro dice que tu alma vaga por este mundo, o » Continue Reading

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an invisible being (un ser invisible)

Category: Blogging

Has it ever happened to you that you are in a place and you feel invisible, that nobody takes you into account with thousands of people passing by, but those people see you as if you were a plant that is alone there, the more you walk you feel like an invisible being or you feel like time stops and you are the only one who is there, but try to make friends but they will see you as a weirdo because... » Continue Reading

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what is life (que es ls vida)

Category: Blogging

Life, life is something that is given to us so that we exist in this world and have the ability to be born, breathe, develop, procreate, evolve and die, but most people will say that we come from nothing, others will say that we were created by » Continue Reading

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changes (cambios)

Category: Blogging

What are changes? Changes are sad and painful at the same time, like losing a loved one or a pet, or leaving home and leaving the people you love, but there is also good change, like having your job, meeting new people, having your own thing, and so sometimes one changes from being a child, becoming a young person, and from a young person to an adult, and like from a girl to a young lady, and from... » Continue Reading

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Has it ever happened to you? (¿Te ha pasado alguna vez?)

Category: Blogging

Have you ever had your heart broken? I know that everyone or most people have had their hearts broken. I know that at the beginning it hurts a lot and no matter how much you try to forget it you can't think about the things you lived together and the beautiful moments but with time that pain goes away and the wound will heal if it takes time to heal but you have to keep going the world doesn't end... » Continue Reading

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What is a friendship? (que es una amistad)

Category: Blogging

what is a friendship a friendship is not something that happens overnight a friendship is something that is created by two or more people who do not know each other but with the passage of time a beautiful friendship is created but there the million dollar question will there be someone who is really there for you when you need it without any interest in return will there be someone who asks you h... » Continue Reading

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Has it ever happened to you (alguna vez te ha pasado)

Category: Blogging

Has it ever happened to you that suddenly you are at home and you are alone and you feel that someone is calling you, but as in the distance you feel like someone says your name if it is like that I did not answer maybe at the first time I said something, but from there I did not answe » Continue Reading

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