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Extensive ABOUT ME (Everything you should know!)
Category: SpaceHey
: I am a physically and mentally disabled adult. Please be mindful of the fact that I struggle with » Continue Reading
"laying in bed"
He/They~25~INFP~Type 4~โ๏ธ
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
— 6 KudosPinned
Category: SpaceHey
: I am a physically and mentally disabled adult. Please be mindful of the fact that I struggle with » Continue Reading
— 7 KudosPinned
Category: SpaceHey
Expansive list of everything on my blog since I get so many compliments! PROFILE LAYOUTS FROM SPACEHEY: BASIC GREEN CRT (I started with just this) GIF UNDER PROFILE LINK! (I just changed the gif) Gif link: » Continue Reading
— 6 KudosPinned
Category: Life
RESOURCES FOR TRANS PEOPLE THAT LIKE USING THE INTERNET Spot people who are pro and anti trans INSTANTLY: » Continue Reading
— 6 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Below is a series of posts copy-pasted and embedded as needed all of which relating to "The Oddballs" this blog post was solely created for archival purposes. Do not harass any of the individuals mentioned and proceed with cau » Continue Reading
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— 4 Kudos
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
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— 5 Kudos
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Everything is in unisex sizes and is made of eco-friendly materials! Check it out! I highly recommend getting something for your weird Trump voter family! They'll love it! /* LAYOUT CREATED USING GENERIC PROFILE GENERATOR */ /* BLOG VERSION */ @import url('https://fonts.goo » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 8 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
Lately there's been a lot of unsavory accounts, I won't get into too much detail but they usually have a disgusting profile picture and some horrible name, when you click on them you're greeted to flashing lights with no buttons to block and report these people. So if you can't just push a button to get rid of these people how on earth do we get rid of them!? How to block them (step by step): Copy... » Continue Reading