This account was made for music reviews and as a personal blog. It is for every age, and that doesn't have to be mistaken as bad intentions. I may chat with people younger or older than me for feedback or simply to be mutuals, but I absolutely understand my age and I won't break through basic barriers and will never be inappropriate, and so don't you with me. I will interact with you about my webs... » Continue Reading
I woke up rlly late this afternoon, at about 3PM. I fell asleep at 5AM while listening to a dude telling stories about greek mythology on YouTube lol. Link here if you're interested. I thought I wouldn't do much since I lost lots of time. BUT I WAS WRONG: I'm having actually a really long study session (I'm having a small pause rn) and I'm so proud of me. I'm planning to write all the m » Continue Reading
Hi, fellow bats! Everyday I feel pretty nostalgic about the Metallica concert I went to in June 2022. I waited for a year for this concert to come and time flew away, and now I'm here again like nothing happened. Damn. Metallica was the major band of the day at the festival I went to. It's called ''Firenze Rocks'' which takes place in Florence every year and that I will hopefully attend this summe... » Continue Reading
Hello fellow bats. Liza here, spamming once again their life on internet lmao. I've started univerity this year and choosen something you can call ''history of arts but with a more humanistic side and not practical'' major. I study theatre, music, cinema and contemporary history (which I adore). I really love what I'm doing, besides the fact I'm not a very productive/motivated person and I'm goin ... » Continue Reading
Yo, fellow bats. Using SpaceHey more and more is making me so happy to somehow connect with the past. I always loved everything what concerns to the internet. I was like 6 or 7 when this obsession started, in the Windows XP era where everything was so CRISPY and COLORFUL and some chatrooms were still a thing: I remember specifically a 3D chatroom whose name I discovered only 2 years ago or so and ... » Continue Reading
It's almost 4AM where I live and I can't sleep at allllllllllllllll... I'm very excited about this website. I already had an account once but didn't get that much of attention (besides the fact it was a personal account), which instead this profile is getting. I'm going thru lots of shi and I hope that blogging will help me a lil bit. I already texted with lots of kool guys. I feel like spacehey w... » Continue Reading
I will post a bullettin every thursday for each topic (ex. album recommendations ecc.) and you can comment down below your opinion or start a discussion (be sure to state clearly if you want your name displayed in the forum, otherwise if you don't specify it I will mark you as anonymous) Sometimes I will blog about an topic of my choice without the planning of a specific day of the week; You're sa... » Continue Reading
Hi y'all, I'm Liza, your net goth of trust :) I've started this account to try and see if my project will work out. I loved the old net, lost media and music since I was a child, so this website's revival was really what I was searching for. My goals are: reviewing the albums I'm listening to (or requested ones from the public); interacting with you to share further information about lost media, t... » Continue Reading