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Category: Travel and Places

Metallica concert

Hi, fellow bats!

Everyday I feel pretty nostalgic about the Metallica concert I went to in June 2022. I waited for a year for this concert to come and time flew away, and now I'm here again like nothing happened. Damn.

Metallica was the major band of the day at the festival I went to. It's called ''Firenze Rocks'' which takes place in Florence every year and that I will hopefully attend this summer again to see Tool (just waitin for other artists to be announced to make sure I won't regret choosing them over bands I prefer more and cryin like a baby lol).

DISCLAIMER: I bought the tickets only when Metallica was announced (they usually announce like 4 bands/artists), so you will later understand my shock or disappointment in some statements I make.

That day there were: Metallica (ofc), Jerry Cantrell, Greta Van Fleet and a smaller band named The Blind Monkeys. We stayed there for like 12 hours UNDER THE SUN. IN ITALY. LIKE 41 DEGREES. And I tell u we stood there until like 3PM without doing anything. They were spraying water on us like fckin daisies (footage here It was so fun (not for my hair and makeup tho, I looked like a victorian lad with bright cherry red hair).

You can't even imagine how my knees and back felt when we got back to the place we stayed for the night after the festival ended: I remember sitting on the fckin street while we were waiting for the tram. I even slept on a SMALL ASS COUCH all crushed like a can, but you won't believe what I'm gonna say: I had the most good sleep in my entire life and woke up with no pain at all and even walked across Florence all day without complaining.

  • The Blind Monkeys: a pretty good band imo. Didn't find any footage of the concert on YouTube sadly, but you can easily find their music. They do a sort of funk as far as I can remember;
  • Jerry Cantrell: I litterally cried and screamed when I saw him on the stage (very far, but that's ok). I was there, screaming ALL Alice In Chains lyrics at the top of my lungs, and ppl were soooo upset at me, and if I'm not wrong a man got angry at me but I still can't figure if he was talking to me since he turned around mumbling stuff. Btw there were oddly very few people when he performed, like BRO CMON ALICE IN CHAINS' JERRY ARE U SERIOUS?????????? I remember almost falling out my couch when they announced Jerry;
  • Greta Van Fleet: I rlly, rlly appreciate them tbh, but the fact they performed for like 2 hours (and Metallica for 1 hour) was totally not fair. I can understand the case of Jerry, because he was the concert opener. But GVF was a support band. Very long solos, beautiful performance, but a bit boring for non-fans;
  • Metallica: WOW. JUST WOW. I danced like a crazy. But when the pogo started I got really, really scared (it was my first concert) and some dude in the back told me ''gurl, concerts are like this, wtf did u expect''. He was a little right now that I think of that, but I got so angry. I was even about to faint because I couldn't breathe. It's sad, but I try to not think of that!!                       Btw, two of us stepped back from the pogo and other two FOUGHT LIKE CRAZY, ALL COVERED IN SWEAT AND WITH NO SHIRT ON. It was hilarious.                                                                          
And now the really fun part: I was THIRSTY AS HELL. But, u know, big concerts, thousands of people: no bathrooms.                                                                                                      
I tried to not drink, but when Metallica appeared I was nearly dying of dehydration. My friends handed me a bottle of water FULL OF DUST because we bought like 8 BOTTLES before all the thousands of people arrived and didn't know where to put them: they left them on THE FUCKIN GROUND. I don't know how I didn't get some rare disease after drinking that LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

End of the concert. The arena quickly became empty. By the exit there were like 3 ambulances, a man fainted on a stretcher and LOTS OF WATER BOTTLES. Forget to mention water cost like 1,50 FUCKIN EUROS at the festival (normally they cost around 0,70 cents).

The morning after I was sitting on the stairs before we left the house we spent the night in listening to Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground.

I miss these days :,(

Share your concerts down below!!

Links for festival footage:

Jerry Cantrell:


Greta Van Fleet:

1 Kudos


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