I just spend $300 on ROMWE. I also am going to the mall next week with money. I am excited. I also might be getting some cheesecake from the cheesecake factory. On Tuesday I'm getting my haircut and maybe dyed. » Continue Reading
I honestly thought I would hate being awake and well, the new year. But I'm kinda happy. I'm excited for a bunch of things. -Stardew valley update and cookbook -My birthday -Moving houses -my brothers birthday and a lot of other things I can't remember right off the bat. But yay, hello 2024 » Continue Reading
I am depressed and upset. I want things to be better. I know I need to work on myself and will be, I'm just sick of the way my life has been going and wish that things weren't so hard. I am on high risk watch at home, which means I'm monitored and have to keep doors open and I get my things gone through every couple of days. Life has been shitty. I hope next year is a lot better and that things wi... » Continue Reading
I got a small amount of things for Christmas because I couldn't see my family due to drama. But I got a monster high doll, some mini brands and I got a few stuffed animals. The stuffed thing I got was a stuffed Kuromi, a stuffed isopod, a weighted elephant and another stuffed thing. I also got an AC unit for my room, (I begged for it). Now my room is cold and I have stuffed animals. I am a child, ... » Continue Reading
So like me and my bf broke up. He didn't do it like a man in my opinion, he told me that the relationship seemed different and he told me that it didn't really have the spark that it used to. That's the same thing that he told me before we broke up last time. So I asked him if he was breaking up with me and all he said was, "I'm sorry ml, I love you" and made me unfollow him on insta. He blocked m... » Continue Reading
I have been so weird lately. Like I've been super happy and then super depressed due to the things that are going on. Like we are moving houses and we lost my cousin. A lot of things are happening super fast and there's nothing that I can do to help me get better. I hope that I start feeling better. But I've been posting on all of my socials, wearing good clothing and doing my makeup daily. So the... » Continue Reading
So like the boy that my mom doesn't want me talking to has been my boyfriend for another time. I unblocked him on Instagram and he instantly texted me. He responded to my story and we started talking. When we were done talking for the night we told each other that "I love you", so it's been a few weeks now and we saw each other yesterday. He lives like 45 minutes away and somehow got himself to me... » Continue Reading
Going to the doctor to see if I'm sick or if anything else is wrong with me. My aunt has made us late because she has taken so long at the store. Like why would someone be at a walmart for 2 hours. I would understand if she was in a huge one, but this is a normal sized one. Like we were supposed to leave 30 minutes ago and she just got home. I am dissapointed once again. » Continue Reading
We might be moving houses soon. I'm homeschooled so I don't really care, it's mainly just the anxiety of knowing what the house might look like and how the room set up will be. I know they are gonna be giving us a lot of money to help pay for everything but it's still kind of stressful. » Continue Reading
I had packed things for today because I knew that we were going to be leaving early in the morning. So after I packed, I woke up in the morning to hear my mom yelling at me that were late and to get dressed. So I woke up and got dressed as well as grabbing the bag and my blanket. I got in the car and we ended up being late to the appointment. When we got there they explained everything and got him... » Continue Reading
So I went to a anger management group today and I went to it. I normally don't go to things like this and have a lot of anxiety. But today was so different, it felt like nothing was wrong and that I could do anything that came towards me, I ended up having my therapist pick me up. When she came and got me we talked on the way there and she is such a good driver and her car is so nice looking. When... » Continue Reading
Just got back from the dentist. They didn't need to pull any teeth this time but I did end up getting all 9 cavities on my left side filled and now my mouth is super numb but it does feel a lot better than it did. And tomorrow my brother has oral surgery so I'm going to be going with my mom to help her and my brother get through the stress and fear. Wish me luck » Continue Reading