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In eius sanguine mundati sumus. In Spiritu Suo Cognoscitur Sapientia.
Category: Podcast
> Transcript of Lithurgy's speech » Continue Reading
Category: Podcast
A profound clip from a performance of the band Saviour Machine in 1998. Truly encapsulates our mission here at Murder of Crows . I am having trouble with embedded links so I will be leaving the complete link here, however, the speech from the band's lead singer begins around the 57:59 mark. * {cursor: url(https://cur.cursor » Continue Reading
Agony. (Long.)
Category: Blogging
>>> Transcript of Lithurgy's speech at Murder of Crows Topic: What is home? >>I am prepared for the hostility, and yes, even the end of our meetings should it come to that. But out of serious thought to this, concerning the freely sharing of hope in this messy world by the cruel beauty of the Cross, so blatant, so raw is that beautiful sacrifice, that I cannot remain fearful any longer, lest I mys... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
>Transcript of Lithurgy's speech at Murder of Crows Topic: Lamentations >>Concerning my name have I been asked, on what manner does "Lithurgy" mean? Well, it is an act of protest as well as a form of lament. We are in a present age, as in ages past as nothing is new under the sun, of lethargic liturgy. I will quote from the Book of Amos to explain: "Hear this, you who trample the needy and do away... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
> Transcript of Lithurgy's speech at Murder of Crows Topic: Bloodshed. >>Well, let it be first known, that to remove this for the purpose of justifying cruelty will result in an internal judgement of the conscience, no matter how seared, but to continue, much like the Gothic atmosphere, what appears harsh, ugly, cruel, when digging deeper, reflects a principle that aids our journey in this cruel w... » Continue Reading