hey !! i just decided to share some of my resources for all the pixels i use in my posts !! i'll probably end up making a part 2 w all my personal collections, and then keep updating both of these !!! you probably noticed im not using any kamoji or pixels in this post,,,,, im too lazy,,,,,, anyways !!! onto the links !!! just-pixels on tumblr → lots of kamoji pixels, also easy to navigate !!! » Continue Reading
hi everyone !!! i was just thinking ab how everyone has all those cute quiz results on their profiles, and then i realized that i didnt have ANY on mine !!! so i decided to take a ton of quizzes, but i didnt wanna jus » Continue Reading
AUGH !!! i'm so tiredddd,,,, i had to stay up last night to help clean up, and i didn't even get to sleep in this morning !! ! i just wanna take a nappppppp » Continue Reading
For me, at least, my favorite part of writing is exploring concepts and things, not just writing characters and world-building and whatnot. I thought I could provide you guys with some nice prompts, exercises, and whatnot to get your brain moving ! Try to make your work colorful: I'm really not sure how else to describe it, other than this: When you read your work, see if it makes you envision ... » Continue Reading
Hi, everyone ! I'm Tin ! I recently made a space hey account, and I really hope to have a lot of fun ^_^ I'll probably post about HTML, theatre, and graphic collections like stamps and blinkies ! I also have a Neocities, which I'll link in my bio. Thanks, everyone !!! ^_^ - tin » Continue Reading