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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

pixel/decome/favicon/decomail sources/collections !!!

hey !! i just decided to share some of my resources for all the pixels i use in my posts !! i'll probably end up making a part 2 w all my personal collections, and then keep updating both of these !!! you probably noticed im not using any kamoji or pixels in this post,,,,, im too lazy,,,,,, anyways !!! onto the links !!! 

just-pixels on tumblr → lots of kamoji pixels, also easy to navigate !!!

kamoji gif masterpost on tumblr → ALSO a lot of kamojis !! they're all p cute, and there's different styles !!! 

 pixel toybox on tumblr → SOOOOO many pixels !!! a lot of collections, too !! they're not as organized, but there is a search bar if youre looking for specifics !! 

kamoji kuma → i've just linked their kamoji gifs page, but there's also a lot of other really cute kamoji you can use !!

emoemo → TONS of cute pixels, that you can download into zip files so you dont have to go through  and download all of them !!

pixels.crd → a ton of pixels !!! not very organized, but there's so many there !!! 

xyz.crd → lots of nice pixels for use, and there's other graphics, too !

g0-rockstar on neocities → two pages of decome, over 1500 !! not organized, and some repeats, but it's a really good collection that i use all the time ! !

engrampixel on tumblr → not active anymore, but a TON of pixels !! mostly pink, but there's others in there !!! good for cute blogs. also, tag system !

pixelsgalore on tumblr → good pixel source, mostly deer and bunnies. 

pixel-harmony on tumblr → awesome source, one of my favs !!!! 

lucypix on rentry → three parts !!! lots of cute pixels. not many emotions specifically, but lots of other stuff !!! organized by color

vamptism on rentry → lots of bloody/gory pixels, along w graphics, stamps, blinkies, ect !! good for more edgy blogs 

supplies.ju.mp → lots of cute pixels, and other graphics as well !! i've linked specifically to the pixels page, but click around-- there's so much more !! 

nukocities on neocities → ONLY NUKO (the white cat) PIXELS !!! THERE ARE SO MANY IM IN LOVE W THIS SITE !!! they're also organized ! 

gifs.crd → not as extensive, but really good !!!

maguro.crd → always a good collection, i love to use !!! small, but organized by color and has some really cute pixels i havent seen anywhere else ! 

biscuit.crd → has a part one and two !!! they have super duper cute graphics, and even text, which you dont see much !!! all in all really good, love their stuff !!!

that's all for now, but ill update this whenever i think about it, LOL !!

11 Kudos


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