"Bubble Guppies: A Deep Dive into Unconventional Excellence" Introduction: In the realm of animated series, "Bubble Guppies" emerges as a surprisingly standout contender, not just for children but for anyone seeking a refreshing and innovative show. Created by Jonny Belt and Robert Scull, this unconventional series delves into a unique underwater world that transcends the typical boundaries of chi... » Continue Reading
So the other day, I was playing rainbow six siege, and I heard one of my teammates make a callout in the voice chat. It was a real life gamer girl. God, I kid you not, I just stopped playing and pulled my dick out. “fuck, Fuck!” I was yelling in voice chat. I just wanted to hear her voice again. “Please,” I moaned. But she left the lobby. I was crying and covered in my own cum, but I remembered th... » Continue Reading
Please DO NOT buy the BTS meal if you don't stan them. You're preventing the actual BTS fans who have waited for months from having the BTS meal experience. Eating the sauces without understanding their significance is literally cultural appropriation and it's not okay » Continue Reading
The Industrial βπ Revolution ππ and its consequences π‘πͺπ€ have been a disaster π± for the human π€ race ππ½. They have greatly π increased π§π the life-expectancy of those of us π¨ who live π in “advanced” countries πΊπΈ, but π they have destabilized society ππ₯, have made π life π unfulfilling, have subjected π human π€π£ beings π to indignities, have led πππ¦ to widespread π· psychological π€ suffering π (in ... » Continue Reading