Category: SpaceHey
HAAIIIII!! Am new 2 space hey, my friend reco'd it to me and I thot I'd check it out!! I'm fritz, and I hope to make many Kool new friends here >w » Continue Reading
"My tummy hurts :("
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: SpaceHey
HAAIIIII!! Am new 2 space hey, my friend reco'd it to me and I thot I'd check it out!! I'm fritz, and I hope to make many Kool new friends here >w » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
HIII guys I'm making a comic with my ocs on insta gram and I'm really excited :D » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I'm tired and want to sleep forever. I'm tired and want to take a break. I'm tired and want to stop talking(in school). People are mean and too touchy. But nothing I do will stop anyone because noone at school cares. Not even for themselves. It's hard to be nice and focused knowing people hate me for no good reason or is making fun of me or is staring at me every millisecond. It's hard to function... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
I hate today. Today sux. It's always "fritz do this!!" "Fritz do that!!" "Fritz shut up!!" "Fritz move!!!!!" . It's always people do shit without me. "Oh you were sleeping and I didn't think you'd wake up" you know what I want atleast get something for me too. "Look what I got!! didnt get anything..I also got this!! And I went to this place I know you really like!! And I got this stuff I k... » Continue Reading