I hate today. Today sux. It's always "fritz do this!!" "Fritz do that!!" "Fritz shut up!!" "Fritz move!!!!!" . It's always people do shit without me. "Oh you were sleeping and I didn't think you'd wake up" you know what I want atleast get something for me too. "Look what I got!! Oh..you didnt get anything..I also got this!! And I went to this place I know you really like!! And I got this stuff I know you really like!!! But, you got nothing!!" Why?. "I dumped your clearly unfinished drink because it was on the table. Learn to pick up after yourself." I can't have drinks in my room. "Your acting like a baby" the only one acting like a baby is you. "So...you are a furry???lmao cringe!! Haha look she is a furry guys!!" Shut up. No im not. LIKE I CANT HAVE PEACE??? I'm tired. And mad. Im always being bossed around and noone does nothing about it but when im bossy(im really not. All I did was ask a question.) I need to stop being "bossy" and fix my tone. No one ever says please. Or thank you. I'm tired. 😐

Vent 😒
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