I'm tired and want to sleep forever. I'm tired and want to take a break. I'm tired and want to stop talking(in school). People are mean and too touchy. But nothing I do will stop anyone because noone at school cares. Not even for themselves. It's hard to be nice and focused knowing people hate me for no good reason or is making fun of me or is staring at me every millisecond. It's hard to function when people give me weird looks when I show them stuff, or ignore me. Or exclude me. Or don't come to find me when I lose them at break. I hate it at my new school. Nothing good ever happens. And I'm excluded from everything. Like wtf. I'm here too yknow. I want to cry but that's over rated. I miss my old school, old friends, old rules, old town. I miss when I was happy, with people who cared, in a school that cared and was clean, in a place that I felt safe in mentally and socially, I place where bullying was not taken lightly, a place that was clean and taken care of, a place that had good people, and a place with people I know wouldn't do me wrong. A place where I wasn't tired and my social battery didn't go out, a place where I wasn't worried about when an alarm was gonna go off or if I was gonna get jumped. A place where teachers did something. A place where problems were solved. A place I miss and will never see again. A place with people who might not move on, and isolate themselves from me because they miss me and can't cope. People in my new school couldn't care less. In new school I was worried about bullying, I I worried about bullying. I hate it here. I'm tired here. I wish I could wither away and be at peace.

Tired (vent)
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