Recently I've been thinking a lot about 2021, especially the summer and fall when I started high-school. Summer 2021 feels a bit like a fever dream and it's honestly hard for me to remember. I moved to the ranch in June and felt terribly misplaced and uprooted. But I was so used to being uprooted. Throughout my childhood, I lived in ten different houses. We moved every one to two years back then, ... » Continue Reading
Today I was thinking a lot about eighth grade. I think mostly I grieve for that version of myself: she didn't know what she had coming, she also didn't deserve to carry all of the things she did since most of them weren't her fault. Tired by Beabadoobee came on shuffle, and I haven't heard that song in ages. It kind of hit me like a brick. I get hit with bricks a lot, and I throw them at myself. B... » Continue Reading
It's November 6th, and it's been snowing the entire day. Colorado has two moods in November: unbearably sweltering or shiverously frozen. This year it decided to blizzard ferociously. On Wednesday night I was at Josh's - we'd all been cozying up by their fireplace and participating in 'poetry night': a night where we share and discuss our favorite poetry or our own. It's Josh's night that his pare... » Continue Reading
on new year's eve 2022 i got bored a wrote a tiny tiny anthem of the sun review so here it is: The Grateful Dead, in only their second year of music business, are quickly becoming the cult-leaders, s » Continue Reading