"I know English and crazy."
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Chapter 4: listing it
Category: Books and Stories
After meeting Kaistu’s parents, I didn’t know what to think when I wanted into her room I thought we were just gonna make out but it looks like more of a Japanese samurai sword shop, as well as a karate tournament trophy shop as well I was disturbed and how many certificates and stuff he had in this disturbing art. I really wish the clown was here now but……. She’s at me on her bed and I was petr... » Continue Reading
Chapter 2: radio station gimmicks
Category: Books and Stories
In fact, I remember listening to a local radio station look for red balloons and fake blood. I thought they were just making this as a gimmick, but what I saw the other night on my 16th birthday was not a gimmick. They said you got clowned if you found a red balloon that says reflowed here or something to that effect I know that was not the case the radio station one fake a serial killer are you... » Continue Reading