Category: Blogging
Lately ive felt like i dont belong anywhere Like i dont make proper connections with anyone It might be seasonal depression tho lol » Continue Reading
"feeling winter"
05, Finnish, she/her :-)
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Category: Blogging
Lately ive felt like i dont belong anywhere Like i dont make proper connections with anyone It might be seasonal depression tho lol » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Who knew that yours truly could actually land something. I actually got two job offers on the same day, but the other really sucked ass. The one I picked I already have experience in, so it was quite an easy choice (The salary is better too hehe) It feels good to actually do something during the day other than rotting. I was too afraid to waste my time when i didnt have anything to do, so i didnt ... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I feel like most ppl here were the weird kids or outcasts or whatever Literally why is it such a crime to like weird shit I used to be in a toxic friend group that would be so mean to me for no reason Constantly poking at my appearance and things i couldnt just change about myself on a whim Like I get it you were bullied we all were but just like » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Kind of a stupid blog post but today has been such a good day. Hope to have many more! » Continue Reading
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Category: Food and Restaurants
I really like drinking midday tea, but i feel like im missing out of i dont try a new flavour every day. Theres probably like a million different tea flavours but ill never get to try them all!!! Not like id try them all tho...... Ive tasted spicy tea once and it was so awful. Why would anyone want spicy tea? Ginger tastes pretty bad too. » Continue Reading
Category: Food and Restaurants
I dread making dishes that needs a proper glass dish to be cooked. Why does it feel oily after ive scrubbed it for like five minutes ??? Is there some science to washing dishes that ive missed ?? ? » Continue Reading
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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
Literally why is it so hard to get a job? I have experience and a hand crafter gorgeus CV with lots of refrences and whatever why cant I land any job hello?? help??? If i was rlly pretty id just sell feet pics or something. Im gonna start printing money if I cant get a job. » Continue Reading