I feel like most ppl here were the weird kids or outcasts or whatever
Literally why is it such a crime to like weird shit
I used to be in a toxic friend group that would be so mean to me for no reason
Constantly poking at my appearance and things i couldnt just change about myself on a whim
Like I get it you were bullied we all were but just like why?????
It really grinds my gears cuz now its harder to be myself
Also, really funny how they were the most insecure people ive ever met XDD
Would tell me "Ew Pigeonlvr youre so childish!!" Then literally cry when i told them that their tone made it sound mean : - /
I dunno bro let me draw ponies in peace
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this is so relatable, some people just don't like to see other people happy and enjoying themselves
Like why do they care so much??? Live and let live
by PigeonLvr; ; Report
amen to that 🙏🏾
by WeaponsOnSight; ; Report
Rite! I will not change the way i am for ur comfort! Weird kids r super kool most of da time 2 >_<
YESSS you get ittttttt !!!!
by PigeonLvr; ; Report
Rite! I will not change the way i am for ur comfort! Weird kids r super kool most of da time 2 >_<