Who knew that yours truly could actually land something. I actually got two job offers on the same day, but the other really sucked ass. The one I picked I already have experience in, so it was quite an easy choice (The salary is better too hehe)
It feels good to actually do something during the day other than rotting. I was too afraid to waste my time when i didnt have anything to do, so i didnt even use that time for fun. What a waste!
Now I feel like i can actually finally start living the life I lowkey dreamed of in the spring; Work 4 days a week, do art stuff whenever trying to build up my skills, swim weekly and the thing im missing is doing online classes, but im getting there.
The pieces are aligning! The stars in the horizon are shining brighter!
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If you really got a job send me 5 trillion dollars bro💯
Why doubt :<
by PigeonLvr; ; Report
It’s just some small proof bro, pocket change for a guy like you right?
by Chintoes; ; Report
What??? I literally can't make any sense of what youre saying lmao???
by PigeonLvr; ; Report
Dawg it was joke
I am not explaining, we leaving that in the big 24
by Chintoes; ; Report