Exactly what it says on the tin. Basically, a few days ago, I remembered this random website with that creepy animatronic I heard about. Then my brain starting attempting to spiral into a potential nightmare involving that image. Then the weird part starts. Suddenly, I was in this forest, which had blue plants and was seemingly at night. Then I saw this wolf-deer creature standing in front of me. ... » Continue Reading
Hi! I want to make two OOAK dolls so have their ideas I guess? Also these would be my first ones so any advise is encouraged! They're both Worldless ocs, first one is inspired by Old web horror and cryptidcore in general. The other one is inspired by ravecore and arcadecore, and they're both part of the same paranormal team! I'm thinking of cryptidcore one being a dark starfolk, while the ravecor... » Continue Reading
Hello again! I am here to announce something pretty cool that I'm making! I'm revamping my other YouTube channel into a Paranormal YouTube Channel... specifically an archive for all the Paranormal videos pre-2020s. Since I think it's important to preserve these stuff. I will be posting them as compilations, based on what they contain, and will be linking the sources in the description of each vide... » Continue Reading
Decided to upload this here as well, especially since I think some of you guys might like it. Project Electrolife is a 2nd Person POV involving a city that is DEFINITELY not what it looks like, some body horror and some commentary on Capitalism and Fear of the Unknown... and maybe some half-mechanical half-organic horrors thrown in for good measure. Despite this, it's not necessarily a horror nove... » Continue Reading
Title says everything. My favourites are the Jersey Devil, Tripodero, Black Shuck and Beast of Bray Road. (Please don't mention those two spirits that belong to Indigenous People's culture and have been incorrectly treated as "cryptids" for a while now.) » Continue Reading
Goofball isn't actually a Pari, in fact, it doesn't even belong in Genshin Impact! It's actually some sort of sapient Computer virus (most likely Trogan Horse) that was around during the 2000's. It originally infected sketchy copies of a now forgotten MMO. But after said MMO got deleted and forgotten, it somehow managed to infect other games until settling on Genshin (For now). Some says that if y... » Continue Reading
Puppet is a lochfolk and uses they/it pronouns! They love the arts, exploring and puppetry, and it's very curious and creative. It has a pet thylacine hydro mimic named Marionette. ... I should mention that whenever I'm old enough and have enough confidence and money , they'll be used as my Vtuber model! » Continue Reading