Exactly what it says on the tin. Basically, a few days ago, I remembered this random website with that creepy animatronic I heard about. Then my brain starting attempting to spiral into a potential nightmare involving that image.
Then the weird part starts.
Suddenly, I was in this forest, which had blue plants and was seemingly at night. Then I saw this wolf-deer creature standing in front of me.
She (Deerwolf) looks like slightly less lanky version of a maned wolf, with a grey wolf's head, antlers and deer-like ears, pointy legs and an extremely long fluffy tail. She had pure white fur, dark nose, silver antlers and gold or blue eyes.
She walked up to me and them proceeded to explain some things, like how she was a product of my mind, that she will try her best at protecting me from bad dreams, etc.
Then this mild sleep paralysis episode happened where I felt like there was something right next to my face and I couldn't move, in which the Deerwolf immediately went on high alert and pretty much made it go away. Then she allowed me to hug her, which was nice.
The next night, I also dreamt of her, this time for a much shorter period of time. She made me wake up to drink some water (Thank you Deerwolf...), then when I'm properly asleep, she simply asked if I'm okay and then lie down right next to me. It was nice.
So does anyone have any ideas on what these dreams could mean? If not, did anyone have similar dreams?
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