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Category: Games
I recently bought overcooked from steam [thanks to the midweek discount] but I don't have anyone to play it with. anyone interested? » Continue Reading
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Category: Games
I recently bought overcooked from steam [thanks to the midweek discount] but I don't have anyone to play it with. anyone interested? » Continue Reading
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Category: School, College, University
did you know that that one time in middle school when I was trying to skip school I almost got sent to the hospital? my middle school had these very tall walls and fences on top of them. the gates were always guarded with security so if you wanted to skip you had to jump over the fences. i did it a couple of times without problem, the fences were short, and my climbing skills were sharp, so the wa... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
these days, especially this year, I've taken a liking to do risky things. my life became so boring after the pandemic that I couldn't bear it anymore. I started skipping school, just to go home and study. I've explored abandoned buildings, I picked up skating, and I tried spray painting that one time too. as you can guess it didn't go very well. nothing interests me anymore. my life and thoughts h... » Continue Reading
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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
I hope someone in this world remembers I existed when I inevitably fall into the comfortable hands of death. I hope something I did will make someone look at the world differently. I hope my insignificant life somehow makes someone else's life better. I hope I wont be forgotten. » Continue Reading