did you know that that one time in middle school when I was trying to skip school I almost got sent to the hospital?
my middle school had these very tall walls and fences on top of them. the gates were always guarded with security so if you wanted to skip you had to jump over the fences. i did it a couple of times without problem, the fences were short, and my climbing skills were sharp, so the walls didn't falter me.
this time however, I was almost caught by my homeroom teacher, which I was very close with. right as I was climbing the fences she appeared out of nowhere. so I paniced and let the fances go too early. the sharp point of the fence cut my hand and created a large hole in it. there was a lot of blood. i had to get 6 stitches and almost got sent out to the hospital because of a bystander's over-the-top worries.
its one of the memories I remember very vividly. it didn't hurt at all. for a few minutes I felt the freest as I have ever been in a long while. just me, my bleeding hand, and the blood that dripped under it.
the stitches hurt like hell though.
don't skip school.
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Damn, that must've sucked :[[ Is ur hand okay now??
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yeah its good as new, and i have a cool scar :D
by hyaku; ; Report
Oh, cool! I'm glad you like it at least :DD
by L3V1; ; Report