I know I said all of the things i shouldnt say. My eyes are blurred from tears I've never felt this way. I know right now you feel as though I played you, But do you even know the love I have for you? » Continue Reading
Let me explain this. I know that we're over and done. I know that I'm not the one to take his place. I know you're taken. That should be me making you smile. Girl, let's talk for a while. Don't make me chase. I am not over you. And I know that you love me too. I guess that we are fools. We're a lost case. You know I got a girl. When we make love » Continue Reading
I believe in myself & praise my own accomplishments. It is because of me that I am where I am today. This journey is one of struggle and pain. I know that pain is all that can be trusted for it is God's way of reminding us we are alive. And my inspiration to strive for a better tomorrow. In my journey I ask God & myself: Keep my perspective straight, keep me away from all hate, keep m » Continue Reading
This was written September 2012 Sometimes, when a place wants to get rid of you they start to push you away slowly. Less hours, not invited to certain events, less responsibilities & so » Continue Reading
A new era is near. A dark moment in time where kindness takes the backseat. The heart is rocking back and forth in fetal position repeatedly whispering » Continue Reading