Here are a few bands I think are really underrated! Horror Vacui - Italian - darkwave / deathrock She Past Away - Turkish - darkwave + synthpop Honningbarna - Norwegian - punk / indie The Agnes Circle - British - darkwave Harsh Symmetry - American - darkwave / newwave Dominion - blackened death metal (Spotify) Bolt Thrower - British - death metal Molchat » Continue Reading
Hei Hei So for over two years I have dedicated a lot of my spare time to trying to learn Norwegian(Bokmal) as I feel like a lot of native-English speakers feel as though it is a waste of time even though it can unlock di » Continue Reading
Here are some bizarre things I've learned for Norwegian from Duolingo: Liker du føtter? - Do you like feet? Mannen dør hjemme - The man dies at home Onkelen min er arbeidsledig - My uncle is unemployed Føttene mine liker ikke sko - My feet don't like shoes Hvorfor kjøpte du bordet uten bein? - Why did you buy the table without legs? Spis mindre mat! - Eat le » Continue Reading
As part of my philosophy subject I have been looking at art and the different theories like Intentionalism, which try to give a fool-proof definition of art. However, my class have also gone over the critiques with these theories, so now we have arrived at the stage of developing our own ideas. I thought I'd share the criteria I've made which attempts to define art. I have taken some ideas from ot... » Continue Reading
I understand that some people just want to stick to their aesthetics because it looks nice to have things matching BUT beige mom Halloween is one of the biggest disappointments to leech out of tiktok so far. How have we as a society allowed these people to single-handedly turn one of the most fun and extravagant celebrations into a line of sad, designer terracotta pumpkins (unfinished, lazy and d... » Continue Reading