black haired anime boys that i find cute. let's go giyu tomioka (demon slayer) i know he's kind of a basic choice but idc. he's cold, cool, distant, and op. what's not to love. also i love the blue eyes - black hair combo » Continue Reading
blonde anime men that i think look good. in no particular order. let's start with the attack on titan ones bc theres a lot armin arledt i'm an official armin admirer. he's cute, he's intelligent, and he feels inadequate...i might kin him a little haha niccolo » Continue Reading
I've watched the anime but I wanted to take a look at the manga and omg the art is so good!!!! I searched all over town for a library that had it and it was so worth it. I def need to own this manga at some point I took a couple photos bc this made me so happy and I just had to share! » Continue Reading
survey found here: I kinda picked all the answers that sounded appealing hehe 1. If your life was an anime/manga what role would you prefer? Protagonist (main character) Best Friend (of main character) Supporting Character (recurring appearances) Minor Character (rarely seen and in the background) Antagonist (villain or main character's foil) Love Interest » Continue Reading
here are my (spoiler free) impressions of yotd. it's about a princess who has to flee after her father, the king, is killed, and is determined to make a difference in the kingdom, meeting various characters along the way. i hope to make more posts like this in the future bc there's not enough anime content on this platform hehehe. all of this is my opinion ofc vibes yona of the dawn is objective... » Continue Reading
in order that i've watched them. will update regularly ❤ death note 8.50/10 ❤ one punch man 9/10 ❤ assassination classroom 10/10 very good and unironically gave me academic motivation ❤ tokyo ghoul 6/10 the first season is a solid 9/10 on it's own. too bad the following ones are lame ❤ mob psycho 100 10/10 this is a perfect anime. ch » Continue Reading
in order of how much i ship them. feel free to tell me if u agree or disagree haha, i'm legit curious to know what people think of these » Continue Reading