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defending my 5 weakest anime ships

in order of how much i ship them. feel free to tell me if u agree or disagree haha, i'm legit curious to know what people think of these

6. jean x mikasa (attack on titan)

i feel like shipping aot characters is kinda pointless, but whatever. i wish mikasa would quit simping for eren and settle for one of the the many fine young men around her.  shes a strong and cool girl, this couldn't possibly be difficult for her. cmon ma'am, you're worth it! jean, connie, even armin would treat you better than eren ever could be able to! and yes i'm hyped for season 4 part 3 part 1

5. kirihito x nanami (kamisama kiss)

ok I KNOW this is a weird one but I feel like it could have been super interesting! kind of a beauty and the beast moment. kirihito has this powerlessness to him that I think could pair really well with nanami's personality. i even thought this is where the story was going for an instant, but the whole akura-oh plot got kinda dropped at one moment so idk. and don't hit me with the "akura-oh could never love a human" bc look at what happened to tomoe. twice. it's the nanami effet ok

4. mizuki x nanami (kamisama kiss again)

although I can understand why nanami doesn't care for him much, I feel like they have good romantic potential. maybe it's just bc I find mizuki funny and cute idk. then again it woud make for a less interesting story...

3. tohru x yuki (fruits basket) 

another case of me projecting haha as i'm a huge yuki simp. I love his character, his arc, his appearance, his brother...ok i'm getting off track. (!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!) but yeah he had such delightful chemistry with tohru, I was a little upset that nothing came of it all :( i legit thought we were gonna have a love kyo-tohru-yuki love triangle which could escalade their preexisting conflict and be super interesting to see play out. instead...nothing of the sort happened and bc i'm salty I will fervently ship tohru and yuki ok :,(

2. keith x catarina (im the next villainess all roads lead to doom)

the step sibling trope done right (i myself wast weirded out by it at first but they're not related dw). although catarina x nicol is my actual favorite top pick, i think that within the context of the story, keith is the one who deserves to get with catarina the most. he genuinely loves about her and i find his overprotectiveness rather endearing. instead of nicol who has a basic unrequited crush, geordo who was betrothed to catarina bc reasons, and alan who just kinda exists, i feel like keith would be the most interest option of all.

1. dominique x noé (the case study of vanitas)

the childhood friends trope done...not exactly in a ground breaking way but i still like it a lot haha. the strong assertive woman x outwardly strong yet conflicted man dynamic goes HARD with this one. they're both cool and human and gorgeous and good at what they do. i love them both with a passion and i just wish domi would shoot her shot alreadyyyyy. it's definitely not impossible that this ship might become cannon, which is all the more reason that i love <3 also their ship name is dominoé which is HILLARIOUS

 thank you for coming to my ted talk

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