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Category: Quiz/Survey

doing the anime surveyyyy

survey found here:

I kinda picked all the answers that sounded appealing hehe

1. If your life was an anime/manga what role would you prefer?

Protagonist (main character)

Best Friend (of main character)

Supporting Character (recurring appearances)

Minor Character (rarely seen and in the background)

Antagonist (villain or main character's foil)

Love Interest (for the main character)

Narrator (when not a character in the story)

2. If you were in an anime/manga, you would live in a...

Realistic world

Fantasy world

3. If your life was an anime/manga what genre would it be?







Gender Bender




Martial Arts



School Life


Slice of Life




Tragedy (i love dark/tragic stories but i wouldn't want to live in one hehe, real life is tragic enough)

4. You are in a school-based anime/manga, what are you?

The guardian (bully) of the school

The head student, respected by all except by the gangs

The pervert with the camera

The quiet person in the corner

The beauty with friends

The loud athlete

The showy geek

Not part of the breakfast club

The one everyone beats up

5. You are the most popular person in the school, are you...

Leader that everyone looks up to

Calm and collected

A butthead who shows off

Cold, uncaring, and distant

One who flaunts his/her popularity and has 10+ girl/boy friends

Afraid of love

Pretending to be cold while you're waiting for your true love to confess to you

6. You find a Death Note, so you...

Use it (the DN rules say that a DN can't go to heaven or hell, so if I can kill without going to hell, why not I guess)

Keep and hide it

Blackmail people with it

Give it to someone

Trade it for something else

Ignore it

Destroy it

What is a Death Note?

7. You find yourself transported into a stereotypical harem anime/manga. Which role would you assume?



Butler / Maid

Childhood friend


The klutz

Magical girl/boy

The poor one

The rich one

Prince / Princess

Transfer student



The short one

The tall one

The totally ordinary one

A closet pervert

8. If you were in a harem anime/manga, what would you do?

Date all of them at once

Date the one who obviously likes you

Date the shy type

Date the tsundere type

Date the outgoing one

Date the most pretty, beautiful, and/or handsome one

Date the one you pity

Date the side character(s)

Don't date anyone

Date the one you care for the most

(how on earth was i supposed to choose here hehehe)

9. You are sent to a fantasy world. Your priority is...

Food, water, and shelter

Look for a way back to the real world

Obtain a harem

Beat the final boss (or best fighter)

Take over the world

Introduce technology

Learn magic

Blend in with the locals and live a normal life

10. You discover that you were summoned to be the savior. So you...

Panic and give up

Wait it out try to survive

Save the world alone (lone ranger)

Gather a party to overcome the crisis

Complain a lot and/or ignore everything

Try your best to return to your own world

Have as much fun as possible

Destroy the world further

Seek out a love life. Everyone loves a savior...

11. Which source of superpowers do you prefer?

Character's own nature (e.g., born a mutant or alien)



12. Which evil force would you rather face?



Other undead (skeletons, ghosts, etc)

Werewolves (or other were-animals)



Criminal or ideological organization



Fantasy creatures (dragons, naga, etc)

Super powered Earth animals (giant ants, sentient cockroaches, etc)

My inner demons

None, I'd rather join the dark side

None, I'd rather hide under my pillow

13. If you were a villain from an anime/manga, what kind would you be?

Destroyer of the world (I may or I may not kin Eren Jeager)

Ruler or tyrant

Creator of chaos

Random or psychotic

Strategist or mastermind (I may kin Light Yagami a little)

Brute or strongman



Secretive or deceptive

Basic jerk

Bad villain (try to do evil but fail so hard and end up doing good)

Cult leader


A minion

14. You are a king/queen. A demon army has kidnapped your daughter. You...

Visit the shady mystic to obtain magic to get her back

Put out a reward for her rescue in order to attract a hero

Lead your army as the hero

Try to negotiate or bargain with the demons to get her back

Ask for help from your neighbors

Just make another daughter


Abandon her to her fate. Why needs kids or heirs?

15. You are the demon king/queen. The humans send heroes to fight you. You...

Wait in your lair and send out all your minions first

Personally do battle right away. The heroes' first battle should be the final boss

Talk your way out and convince them to leave you alone

Leave a decoy in your place make them think they defeated you

Try to form an alliance with the humans and end the war

Attack all the other humans while the heroes are away

Infiltrate the party of heroes and turn them against each other

Run away from the heroes every time

16. You're reborn. At what age of your new life would you prefer to remember your entire former life?

As a baby (so right away)

As a child (toddler to preteen)

During the teenage years

As a young adult

When I'm middle aged

As an old person

I wouldn't want to remember my past life

I don't want to be reborn

17. Your favorite anime/manga character appears and offers to take you into his/her world in the series, but you can never come back to the real world. Would you accept?

Yes (real life is lame!)


18. Transported to the world of your favorite anime/manga character, you discover he/she is on a quest to kill you. Failure means death. You will...

Just try to keep running away

Nothing I can do, as they're too powerful

Give them a good fight, but lose in the end

Kill them instead. Your own survival is the most important!

Kill yourself, so they won't have dirt on their hands

Willingly sacrifice yourself, so they may live

19. In reality, you're lying in a coma. Everything you've experienced in your life was a dream in your brain. Do you choose to wake up?


No (like i said, real life is lame!)

0 Kudos


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