Taken from Emily (original post here ). My head hurts and I'm not really sleepy so I'm back on here lol. I decided to add some links so y'all can check out songs you don't know. 1. favorite song of all time? Gosh, this is a hard one. I'm gonna stick with my roots and say Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. Gaga » Continue Reading
About Me #1: The Days of Our Lives 1. If money were no object, how would you spend your next birthday? Okay if I was hella rich, it would be a week-long celebration. There's different ways I could approach this if we're talking Elon Musk levels of rich, because I could either f » Continue Reading
I had a dream that I was going to a tattoo studio in this suburb around 45 minutes away from where I live. The studio was super fancy but kinda edgy: it was like, black and fuchsia themed and had a really nice interior. Mind you, I'm sort of semi-conscious in my dream so the moment I stepped into the shop I thought "Why am I here?? I haven't booked any tattoos." The receptionist I was with called ... » Continue Reading