Looking for advice from more experienced marker artists! As everyone knows graphic markers are stupidly expensive. I’m looking into getting my first set of markers and I’m stuck between 2 choices: 1. MTN 94. I’m an aerosol artist primarily, have a slight preference to MTN spray paint, and their 94 markers are simple to use and are color matched to their paints. 2. Ohuhu. BEST FOR THE PRICE but br... » Continue Reading
If you can, go out and vote!! Local elections seem like a waste of time because they’re not as sensationalized as the presidential election, but they are just as if not more important than the presidential election! The election that takes place today will effect you more and faster than a national election ever will. Red or blue, fash or commie, I don’t care, VOTE » Continue Reading
THIS GUIDE GOES TO YOU ALL OF MY ENTS LIVING IN NON-LEGAL STATES Some of you may be familiar with the 2018 Farm Bill, the bill that legalized the production of Hemp. However, the bill also created a legal difference between Hemp and Marijuana. In order to qualify as hemp, the product needs to contain less than 0.3% delta-9 thc . » Continue Reading
Looking for some new day-to-day fashionable but durable beaters. Big fan of the adidas superstar/samba silhouettes but open to try anything. Masc and looking for sneakers specifically btw. » Continue Reading
Always check if the store you’re going to has stock before going there!! I had 4 hours in between classes today, decided to use my extra time to pick up some stretch wrap for an upcoming project. First stop: Home Depot. They what a power outage, store was closed. Next? Wal-Mart. Checked the website, said they had it in stock. Went there, turns out they didn’t. I had the wrong location on my phone.... » Continue Reading
Hello!! Who knows how long I'll be around on here, seems cool as fuck. Check my info for my...info. I make youtube videos on the link there. Here's my newest video as of 11/6/22: Going Benanas Episode 1 » Continue Reading