This was the first time I met you Goldy... little did I know at the time how much your 6 days long lifespan would change me forever.... You were the best virtual dog... ever..... (actually my Goldy in nintendogs is still alive so maybe you werent the best...) You were so bouncy and bubbly and full of energy... and i hate to say how you found you » Continue Reading
Idk if this works on iphone but what you gotta do is download firefox and then just head to as normal except you're gonna make sure ur in desktop mode and when the video starts playing exit out and swipe down so you have like the menu thing and make sure to click play in case it stopped ok bye give kudos to let me know if it worked » Continue Reading
Can't believe that I already have 100 friends on SpaceHey!! I love how unique every one of you is and I love reading all of your bulletins! Well, I guess the next goal is to get 500 friends? » Continue Reading