I journal every day I just never really put my feelings or emotions out on the internet. I do wish to talk about thing just never feel as if my feeling or emotions are understood or can even be brought up in a world as this on sometimes, I draw or write because I feel it's the only things that understand the way of a feeling. I'd like to say a person does the very same, but I've never been able to... » Continue Reading
Her hair long black hair flowing in the misted breeze. The slight breeze smelled of vanilla rose petals. Her hands covered in graphite pencil from her sketchy line paper. The shavings of dull eraser aroun » Continue Reading
You're a beautiful person always will be to me. The way you carry yourself is very pulchritudinous. Your words hit my heart and make me feel these feeling I can't really explain. It's bigger than just butterfly's my heart skips beats when I hear you when I'm around you would think after few years you wouldn't matter to someone whom you probably forgot about or who had forgotten about you temporari... » Continue Reading
I get why feeling are so important. They make a person feel some since of matter. When a feeling is such as love or pain its extraordinary. Love can bring the most amazing feelings. And the most horrible feelings of pain. Fear » Continue Reading
sometimes I feel broken down and all lost and alone. Lataly been drinking my sorrows thinking it would let me feel any better then what I had been already feeling I think all people like to mask that feel but when you can find away you fade away cause it feels better then how you feel in your head. I know I’m not perfect but I’ve been working on it. I keep falling like where is the bottom. I liv... » Continue Reading
If you had the chance to change the world would you? I always told my younger self that when I had the chance to make a difference I would. I would help as many people that I could no matter what I was going though. I would help no matter what would ever happen to me I just to help people that have less then me and when people want to help me I refuse because I don't deserve their help people just... » Continue Reading
does anyone else hate people so much even when you try not to not hate it never goes away that feeling that void that angry that fear that pure hate for that person i want to be better so i try really hard then theirs days life these where none of it will go about all of it you just want it to all stop or go away and no one understands the feeling or how bad your trying to fight though those feeli... » Continue Reading
When you wake up wishing you would not have When you get out of bed wishing you wouldn’t have to When you stop and listen to all around you The sound of the room gorging around you The sound of silences hurt so you hear voices instead Those voice you are told to send away but when you alone their always their for you The dark lonely days when you just want a hug and no one wishes to Feeling... » Continue Reading
So i love genshin impact but like whyyyyyyyy did so many want bal and i was one that didnt really want her cause of our new banner and now look i might not being getting the new five star thank you genshin gods lol. P.S yes im dyslexic meaning i dont spell right i made this spacehey just to practice and be myself 100% and spread postivity and share my thoughts and ideas if you like those types of... » Continue Reading