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a little bit of my recent music history
Category: Blogging
"> I always figured the stuff i went thru at 16/17 would be the worst of things, and when i passed that then things would be easier. 3 years » Continue Reading
My lungs need to act like windows, and open up
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Category: Blogging
"> I always figured the stuff i went thru at 16/17 would be the worst of things, and when i passed that then things would be easier. 3 years » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
i jjst stayed up for 27 hours straihgt cuz of work im so tired. Ive gotten a little s;leep since then but im still soo exhausted. IM ORDERING A GIABT PIZZA FOR MYSEF THO IT GUNNA BBE INSANE!!! » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Today was a pretty ruf day. Long day at work same as yesterday. Im sick of this. Same thing over and over again. Work sleep work sleep worksleep work sleep. I know its my own fault cuz i go to bed so late but still. Monotony .... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
i get it ima "late bloomer" or watevr but im 20 I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GROW SOMETHING COMON MAN » Continue Reading
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Category: Writing and Poetry
I am a waste of a grudging breath. Please, give me a sliver of rest. A scraping in my mind. The pendulum is swinging, acting as an hourglass. Time is ticking faster. Im running out of sand, out of rope to cut. My face begins to crumble, my hands begin to rot. My eyes begin to sink, like a foot placed in mud. My chest begins to burn, hot to the touch. Why do I procrastinate, coming forward with » Continue Reading
Category: Life
so i know ive been posting alot here recently but i just wanted to share this one last thing. I got a polaroid camera for my bday like a week ago and i used it for the first time today. So heres a pic of my sister and i. :) » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Im so sleep deprived LOL XD i honestly feel like im going crazy sometomes cause like i procrastinate going to bed. Why do i do that?? I like sleeping too maybe im actually insane. Eh whatevs i guess if im insane im insane » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I leave to be a camp councilor at my summer church camp back home in 3 days!! Im so excited. Today at work I spilled a tub of blood and other stuff on me (´*`), not a lot but it liked splashed on me. Thank God I was in full scrubs so pretty much none of it got on me. It was so gross. Also the lady who is suppose to watch the front door to the surgery hallway was absolutely zoinked. She was snoozin... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
you would think a hospital would serve healthy food or whatever but no. Today i ate breakfast at a hospital and it gave me food poisoning. Everything is floating in grease and butter and the sausage was literally sickening it made me feel sick. The eggs were literally stale how you make eggs stale i have no idea but they were nasty. I still ate them anyways i was ravenous i absoultely destroyed t... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
this is like the saddest song you will ever hear } » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
June 26, 2022 (12:50) So I just signed up for this thing yesterday. Its pretty weird but I like it. I figured out how to customize my page from a youtube video, but it still needs a lot of work. Anyways I like how there is no like algorythem or whatever its just a website. I've always been a sucker for older stuff so I guess thats why this seems cool. I never had myspace or anything cause i was to... » Continue Reading