Spring for me
Category: Blogging
My favorite season: spring (best season of the year bro) My problem during the spring/summer: OMFG MY ALLERGIES ARE LIKE AAAHHHH MY EYES ITCH SO BADDD SEND HELP MY ALLERGY MEDICINE DOESN'T HELPP » Continue Reading
"where is everyone"
I'll sell my own bones for sapphire stones
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Category: Blogging
My favorite season: spring (best season of the year bro) My problem during the spring/summer: OMFG MY ALLERGIES ARE LIKE AAAHHHH MY EYES ITCH SO BADDD SEND HELP MY ALLERGY MEDICINE DOESN'T HELPP » Continue Reading
Category: Life
So where I live it's summer break in a few days so I won't be online as often as I am now, but I will be back sometime. Until then! » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
Can someone give me ideas for art idk what to draw for the past few weeks already » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Bro I literally have a blog saying you have to be 16 to send me a request and for me to accept, but yall OVER 16 BE SENIDNG FRIEND REQUESTS LIKE BRO STOP (also if ur over 16 and idk that and ur on my friends list pls unfriend me, I wont be mad) like im literally a minor, it says that in uppercase letters in my abt me but yall over 16 be sending me requests, so pls stop :sob: » Continue Reading
Category: Music
I want to learn to play the ocarina but unfortunately idk where to buy a nice sounding one without wasting money for one that doesn't work. I already know not to buy it from Amazon. » Continue Reading