oughah I haven't posted anything here in like 10 million years but hello!!! I know I'm probably gonna disappear again for another epoch but heyyy folks!! i'm stressed because im entering colleg soon so uhh the 'probably' in the previous statement should be a 'most definitely' actually... please just go to my tumblr i swear im alive!! also thatnk you for everyone friend requesting me » Continue Reading
I woke up from a nap and then it suddenly felt like a million twinks just gasped and then sighed in relief. I went to Twitter to check and sure enough, the 5 remaining members won their lawsuit against Blockberry. god that was wilddd... hopefully the artms and run to u girlies do good because aughhh plEASEE » Continue Reading
like holy shit man im so happy that they are finally getting recognition now for cupid and i hope it doesnt wear off!! and i can proudly say that ive been here since debut lmaooo (higher) anyways for other kpop stans on here, please support nugu girlgroups!! they make good music too yall » Continue Reading
ik that ppl not liking stuff is normal but i truly have not encountered someone (that i know IRL) that doesn't like onions like... at all... huh???? thsi makes me curious, what food item do yall hate i gotta know because this is fascinating... » Continue Reading