I had an idea for something on this website. What if we wrote some "horror" stories that we came up with and get each others opinions on it. you could make it reddit style if you want to or you can do it in whatever style that you want to do it in. I'm gonna attempt to write one as an example and see what you guys think of it. This morning, as I was walking up the stairs to my second class of the ... » Continue Reading
I've been trying to find some more songs to listen to and I was just wondering what kind of music you guys like to listen to. I guess i'm just trying to expand my playlists so there is more music to listen to so I won't have to worry about constantly restarting my playlist after the last song finishes playing. I usually listen to: The backseat lovers Dayglow Sodikken (occasionally) Alex g Lots of ... » Continue Reading
I just realized that i could start my own group here. I’m not too sure who i would add to it or what it could be about. Music? Books? Life in general? idk. i’m just gonna leave it for now until i finally come up with something. I think one day i’m gonna make a blog entry about music. I might do it right after this one, but idk abt that just yet. i’ll make up my mind sooner or later. For some reaso... » Continue Reading
I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since I made this account (I think). I remember being in a 90’s phase around mid to late 2021 or so and I was watching TikTok. I came across this video that was talking about spacehey and I thought that it was very interesting. But it think it was more y2k than 90’s but anyways. I decided to make a page here and explore the website to see what it was abou... » Continue Reading