I just realized that i could start my own group here. I’m not too sure who i would add to it or what it could be about. Music? Books? Life in general? idk. i’m just gonna leave it for now until i finally come up with something. I think one day i’m gonna make a blog entry about music. I might do it right after this one, but idk abt that just yet. i’ll make up my mind sooner or later. For some reason, when i was younger, i wanted to make my own website or Blog where i could just post about either random things that were on my mind or a certain topic. i hope that maybe one day i could get to do that. Maybe even now that i have Spacehey. i can write blogs about different things that i’m interested in and maybe i’ll find other ppl that are interested in the same things that i’m interested in. Hopefully i will be able to do that. Should it be daily or weekly? Biweekly? idk. i’ll figure that out soon. sorry if i repeated myself somewhere in that paragraph. i’m doing this on a phone so i can’t see the full thing to proof read it.
let me know if there are any typos or anything.
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ok, so I clicked on the "add to group" button and it said that they are still working on that feature. I know I still have a bit more to explore on this website and I didn't fully look through the option so I didn't realize that you couldn't add ppl to groups just yet. I'm going to try to complete my research later on today and give you guys an update soon hopefully.