Thanks to V Holocek Art for his charcoal & colored pencil print, "Second Taste." It completes my bedroom speaker space, working alongside some dictionary prints. (The speakers are Cerwin Vega! Re 30s if anyone cares.) » Continue Reading
For this semester of university, I'm being forced to take a webdev class; specifically for making a professional homepage for myself. I've never enjoyed coding, but it's neat that, with SpaceHey being around, I actually have a place to test out what I'm going to learn. Who knows, maybe I'll come out of this with a more positive perspective on coding? -JBM- » Continue Reading
Medieval polearms are sweet and I want one; either a halberd or some other style of pole axe. There's a replica English halberd on discount on Kult of Athena right now. I'm considering getting it once my next paycheck rolls around: Thoughts? -JBM- » Continue Reading
Anyone else notice all the new SH accounts for local businesses? "Chattanooga Dumpster Rental Experts" is probably my new favorite. -JBM- » Continue Reading
Thanks for helping me reach this milestone. I haven't been on much the past few days. My time's been preoccupied with finding a new apartment and procrastinating finding a new apartment. I managed to grab my old music blog posts from MS93 earlier in the week, though! So I'll probably start JBM's Tunes back up some time soon. Stay tuned, -JBM- » Continue Reading
I finally got my old @KinoFabino drawing up again! I just can't let this thing go. (Now all I need back is my spinning dunsparce...) My thanks to Katie and her "Road gif background" layout for most of my page's code. You can find all of her layouts here: -JBM- » Continue Reading
Hey All, JudgeBigMansion here. I used this username in MySpace93 up until last night, 6/28/21, when "Tom" took it down due to a case of industrial espionage and a personal vendetta against him. To An and everyone else on this platform: Get ready for some new fwiends. There's 80,000+ MySpace93 users without a home at the moment, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's gonna find this place. -JBM- » Continue Reading