It's page formats were less defined. There was definitely more room to customize the positioning and functions of page elements. There were animated gif profile pics and profile pic sizes and dimensions were respected on user's friends list on their pages (This allowed for a variety of sizes and shapes of profile pics. Neat touch.) You could pin up to 8 specific friends to appear at the top of your profile's friend list.
There's weren't any real community or group features, save a news tab that lists all your friends' blog posts (Up to 10 I believe.) The messaging client was way worse (Basically a user to user email client with a max inbox of 10 messages). MS93 had no user or account settings, so you couldn't change your password, couldn't kill your account, no 2FA, etc.
The community itself felt more focused on the coding and presenting your page in unique ways. SpaceHey comes close to allowing this, but feels limited to jazzing up its default layout. I think MS93 users would like it more here if they had more free reign over the positioning or even deletion of default page elements.
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never was on m93.. how was it compared to spacehey?
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It's page formats were less defined. There was definitely more room to customize the positioning and functions of page elements. There were animated gif profile pics and profile pic sizes and dimensions were respected on user's friends list on their pages (This allowed for a variety of sizes and shapes of profile pics. Neat touch.) You could pin up to 8 specific friends to appear at the top of your profile's friend list.
There's weren't any real community or group features, save a news tab that lists all your friends' blog posts (Up to 10 I believe.) The messaging client was way worse (Basically a user to user email client with a max inbox of 10 messages). MS93 had no user or account settings, so you couldn't change your password, couldn't kill your account, no 2FA, etc.
The community itself felt more focused on the coding and presenting your page in unique ways. SpaceHey comes close to allowing this, but feels limited to jazzing up its default layout. I think MS93 users would like it more here if they had more free reign over the positioning or even deletion of default page elements.
by JudgeBigMansion; ; Report