Category: Music
the next album name. it turns out you don't have to release everything » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
the next album name. it turns out you don't have to release everything » Continue Reading
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Category: Parties and Nightlife
nsfw i guess the vampire seculars stand in the parking lot over the faded moon at 12:33 am every single day. they stand in a circle, yelling silently, looking straight at the ground through the slits in their black masks. their headband horns almost touched. they were all in love with each other, with the ground, with what they were yelling about and at. the vampire seculars believe in the nothing... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
there is definitely a kind of look, appearance, personality that i'm looking to find , or to identify as or something but it's always so hard to be like that all the time.. i just want to shed the shell and go back home and be different . what i'm looking for is so completely indescribable but so obvious when i see it i see it all the time especially on here cause it's like all about that time. th... » Continue Reading
Category: Music
today i got the 6th song draft out of the 13 that will be on my album, releasing in june. not sure what it will be called, what songs will have music videos, or really what the final sound will even be like. all i know is that it's going to be lofi pop dance music, if that gives any idea. before i really start really grinding on it though, gonna get out a single "justthisweek" to let people know t... » Continue Reading