Tbh I've been struggling with the fact that the next 4 years of my life is going to be so bad. The constant feeling of just being scared to walk outside just to get a freaking red bull. Life just has sucked balls recently. I don't know know who else can relate but I just feel like a walking corpse. Like its so cringy but I just don't know how else to express my feelings. I'm 18 feeling lost and sc... » Continue Reading
BRUH its so hard talking in a camera for like 2 hours straight trying not to laugh like its so bad cuz I wanna be a content creator but its like OMG what if I mess up and have to re do it this is so bad lmfao » Continue Reading
With her new album coming out and the music is just so amazing! I honestly am so scared but in a way that I can just like be comforted by her music. Does anyone else relate or am I just crazy? » Continue Reading
So I'm writing this at like 4 am so bare with me XD BUT my mind was just thinking how was Nyan cat even created... ALSO the song??? how does that even happen. A cat that poops rainbows and the body is a POPTART! Honestly, I'm so shocked how someones brain would make this masterpiece... I'm rambling at this point but I'm just so stunned!! Also what's the backstory of Nyan Cat??? Does it have siblin... » Continue Reading
You see, I've been wanting to stretch my piercing for a while and I'm scared to fuck it up! Anyone have some suggestions? Please ;_; » Continue Reading