theyre so uhghhshgsgs we hugged today and theyr were so warmmmmmmm andd uggggg and we kissed and oh myt gooodsidsudu i need them soooo bad broooo i want them foreveever and ever and evrr this is a fanpage for my cute partnerrrrrr i love them they dont use spacehey but kobalt if u see this i looooooooove uuuuuuu cutie pieeeee » Continue Reading
i think the worst about every single situation and its killing me omggggggg like if my partner's taking so long to respond "they probably hate me" or if my friend doesnt message me everyday "they dont wanna be friends" or if i found a test so easy "you def failed" it makes me so sosososs sad amd ruins everything :( like its 12am and im fully convinced my partner of 10 months hates me and im this c... » Continue Reading
school stresses me out smmm XC why do i have 3 whole tests on a single day :( i cant deal with this. at least the semester is legit almost over but dang i hate the burnoutt i experience towards the end of a semester » Continue Reading