Today is a bit boring, my man went off for work idk what we will eat for dinner tonight we have a bunch of meat and idk what to pull out for dinner tonight I know I would want a pasta side and maybe a veggie but not sure lol. I’m in our room just chilling out jamming out to music wishing I had some real friends near by lol. » Continue Reading
Today is a bit of a lazy day kind of wondering what I will do for the day I could do Monday paint, read, or take a nap right now I’m thinking of if I should watch tv or go onto Facebook and try to find a laptop for free that is still in good condition so I can have the internet in a proper way. And I could try to find a stay at home job so I don’t have to leave the home. And I’m gonna try to call ... » Continue Reading
Well like I said my man got paid I got the cooking oil can ordered while he got the bike ordered I am happy, but worried for the back lash from his dad and maybe from his mom but I will try to keep a calm and cook head and keep it high as well. Anyways we will be going out and buying a for us and then maybe try to find more soap for his clients so he can donate it to them and then we will also go ... » Continue Reading
My man got paid today will be getting a bike I also need to go order the oil can so we don’t have to waste our oil from frying up foods now we will be able to try to make our cooking oil last longer and to put it in other foods lol I can’t wait to finally get a small job after I get my bike I’m going to try to work out my knees before hand so that way I will be able to go a long distance instead o... » Continue Reading
After waiting for almost a fucking hour I am finally almost completely empty now I’ll be able to lay down for whatever time is remaining and that I might get a bit of extra sleep who actually know what will happy sorry for this short entry just wanted to give ya an update gees lol 😂 » Continue Reading
Living in this house with an asshole who only cares for homeless and what he wants he was in the restroom taking forever I woke up at 7:11 to use the restroom. I have been waiting, he is out but the laundry room light is on, and idk if he is still out of the restroom or not all I know is he never things of others before he does anything. He also wants us to be adults but then tries to act like he ... » Continue Reading
It has been one heck of a morning got woken up by an amber alert hope the kid gets home safely and no harm came to the kid. Anyways it’s rainy out today it might be rainy all week who actually knows how the weather will be all I know is that it’s fall and winter. I hope to get warmed up and not have to freeze my ass off my man is all over the place wanting cuddles to play games tell me what is hap... » Continue Reading
So today has been good Floki my boyfriend is home today and tomorrow then he works then he gets paid then I might get a bike, maybe a few other things that will work for us and where we live atm. I might have to clean up the garage to find some pots and pans to pull out and that will be out dishes to use so we don’t have to keep using his parents shit. I have been trying my best to not think of ou... » Continue Reading
Idk why I keep trying my best some ppl around me try their best to keep me in a downward spiral. But I just have to keep my head up high tomorrow will be a bit busy for me. I have to make some calls, hopefully I can try my best to get things over and done with. I have a GoFundMe that I’m not allowed to copy and paste it on to anything on this site, but other then bullshit happening to me. I just w... » Continue Reading
Woke up to my man parents pretty much tacking shit about me and their own son kind of makes me sick to hear that shit makes me think of why they took us in when we could of been homeless he would of got a better paying job and we could of been in a apartment but no he wanted to take easy ways to make our life better which hasn’t made shit better I wish he would just man up and roll with the punche... » Continue Reading
Life has been throwing me and my man some low blows first off we live with his parents where his dads a hoarder and wants his house clean but doesn’t want us to throw anything away even the trash. I have a couple GoFundMe’s up and ready to be filled with donations I just need them to be shared with the right crowd. Allot of scammers out there that don’t care about helping but about getting paid ev... » Continue Reading
Https:// that one is for me and my boyfriend to move out of his parents house Https:// this one is to see if I’m able to get donations for a car so I can find a job easier » Continue Reading