Well like I said my man got paid I got the cooking oil can ordered while he got the bike ordered I am happy, but worried for the back lash from his dad and maybe from his mom but I will try to keep a calm and cook head and keep it high as well. Anyways we will be going out and buying a for us and then maybe try to find more soap for his clients so he can donate it to them and then we will also go to the library and check out the holds I have I’m super excited cause I have been waiting for these holds for awhile now and I had to read a couple books to see if I’ll be able to read others I have I mostly read manga and graphic novels I finished the big she bang that is really good any women out there wanting to read something cool again now it’s a graphic novel so plz be patient with it lol and I also finished always human about girls getting into a relationship and it’s in like a time period where it’s in the future cause you can modify your who body with like holograms but they stay on you till you change them almost like a video game character. But I hope today is a good day
Entry #11
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